I'm so excited! Beta readers are already looking at "Sirius Academy", the sequel to "Jezebel's Ladder". Here's the awesome new cover from Renee. The book goes to edit 5/6.
Lots of exciting news all around.
- "Dreams" has broken the 10K ranking level and is climbing to match
- "Doors", which currently hovers around 6K. I am floored to see the excellent books on the same page as mine, epic fantasy books I rated 5 stars on Goodreads!
- My local library just shelved a copy of every paperback I wrote.
- The local paper just interviewed me today for an hour and a half. The story should come out this Wednesday or next.
I also started polishing another epic fantasy, "Contagion of the Gods." It's much better than I remember. Renee has an opening for that cover 5/17.
- That will give me something to keep me busy while the planning of "Queen of the Pirates" percolates. I have the first ten chapters and last two firm; between those pillar, anything could happen.